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So You Wanna Be A Babysitter?

Have you been thinking about becoming a babysitter, and your just not quite sure how to get started? Perhaps, you are still trying to figure out if you are even cut out for this job. You may have had many ideas of how you may work or volunteer since you first pondered the idea of babysitting.  If the idea of babysitting keeps coming back I would say it is totally worth researching about.


Great babysitters are leaders, safety conscious, patient, playful, very flexible, mature, not easily distracted while working with children, positive and business minded.


Do you possess these qualities? Are you willing to always make improvements in these areas? No one is perfect, and that includes babysitters. Since the Babysitter's primary role is to take care of children it is very important that we learn what it takes to do this job. If personal and professional development is something you are eager to do then babysitting is for you. I highly recommend enrolling in a babysitting training class or course so that you can see if you have the time to invest in  becoming a babysitter. 


Job duties that come along with being a babysitter range from family to family, but there are some duties that all babysitters should be able to perform like; supervising children, diapering, bottle feeding, preparing meals, disciplining, cleaning, bathing, and planning activities. Some ways to obtain these skills while getting real life experiences is to Job Shadow a babysitter in your community, engage with younger family members, volunteer at a childcare in your neighborhood, become a school leader or mentor as a tutor. You can also learn new snack friendly recipes to see if you would enjoy the cooking that is involved with babysitting. It is worth all the effort you are putting into your decision to become a babysitter, and all while you are becoming a better you!


You will also want to research the Laws in your State pertaining to babysitting. Each State have various laws to help to distinguish the difference from a licensed childcare provider vs. unlicensed childcare provider. For clarity, babysitting is done in the child's home not in your own home. Researching the laws will be necessary if you plan to offer babysitting services. Also research child labor laws as well. No State has clearly specified how old one must be in order to be a babysitter. It is very subjective, however most have implied that 12 years old may be the best age to begin. This was mostly determined by Red Cross Babysitting Certification course that is offered to those 12 years old and up. 

When you have decided you are ready to continue to become the best babysitter ever Take the Babysitter's Pledge.

 Click here for The Babysitter's Pledge Printable. Go ahead and laminate it, put it on your refrigerator or any place that will help you show off your commitment to babysitting to your friends and families. Hint: Future client parents may want to see this too. 

 This is the first post in our weekly series "So you Wanna Be a Babysitter?"  This weekly series was created to help babysitters climb their career path with integrity and passion. Don't miss a post! Subscribe today!!

Happy Babysitting!






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