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5 Reasons to Hire an Afterschool Nanny


Having an Afterschool Nanny may be a solution for parents who are still working when the school day ends. With so many childcare options to choose from it can be a difficult task trying to figure out which one is the best option for your family. 
Here are five questions to ask yourself to see if an Afterschool Nanny is a perfect option for your childcare needs.

1. Do your kids participate in afterschool activities? Getting your children to and from these activities may be next to impossible if both parents are working at the same time. Transportation problems can be solved if you hired an Afterschool Nanny. With an Afterschool Nanny there is also peace of mind in knowing that your child is fed well afterschool, and that the children are getting the attention they deserve after a long day of school without the rush-rush mode being placed upon them. While your child is at their afterschool activities perhaps the nanny is doing some household chores for you. Yes! With that said who wouldn't want a nanny? 😊

2.  Have you ever thought maybe I should hire a tutor for homework help?  Depending on the afterschool activities scheduled, homework is done with the help of the nanny. This is huge when it comes to freeing up family time. Parents come home from a long day of work and guess what?! Homework is done! Check!  

3. Do you have children that love enrichment activities, but rather be doing them at home? Children spend a great deal of time at school. They may want to be a part of the school sponsored afterschool program because of the activities, but honestly their bodies are telling them to get a break from the social scene. Having an Afterschool Nanny means your child will not be missing out on the aspects that they love about their school's afterschool program. 

4. Do you get off of work close to your child's bedtime? The Afterschool Nanny will help your child with homework, chores, bedtime routine, make sure they have eaten properly, monitor their play outside with their neighbor friends when weather is permitted, and if it's a rainy or cold day still will have an activity set  aside for the child to do if they choose. When you arrive home from work you will be able to spend quality time with your children, your Afterschool Nanny has you covered on making sure your daily goals for the kids are met. 

5. Do you want to make sure your child has a Mentor? An Afterschool Nanny takes their role as a nanny very seriously. They understand that children "Do as I do, not do as I say", with this in mind the parent(s) has total control of the character of the person that they are bringing into their children's lives.With an Afterschool Nanny you are hiring a professional, that is skilled and trained to help guide your child(ren), and that is a great investment in your child's future.

At The Geeked Out Nanny Agency, we only hire Afterschool Nannies who are gifted, passionate, and are dedicated to the early childhood field. If you have answered "Yes" to at least two of the questions above, chances are having an Afterschool Nanny would be the best childcare option for your family. Give us a call today for your free consultation.

Happy Afterschooling!


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