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An Invitation to Invent With LittleBits

We continue to enjoy our Wonder Shelves at the Studio. I recently was able to get my hands on the Gizmos & Gadgets Kits, 2nd Edition from LittleBits , which has been added to our shelves of wonder. This kit is the next best thing to chocolate!

It comes with a guide to inspire you to invent, that is very colorful and well written. The recommended ages is 8-12 years old, but I will assure you that it is very similar to LEGOS. I would describe it as an Electronic LEGO. This kit helps to bring your inventions alive!

The first project in the guide is the SpinMate, which is very clever to put together. I just had to make a circuit that needed a DC motor, a slide dimmer, mounting board, glue dots, a wheel, adhesive shoes, battery, and power. All of this came with the kit, and in the guide there is information about what each Bit actually does. Illustrations are done of the projects are in color which makes it  easy to follow .


I used the SpinMate directions to make a Spinning Sign that invited the kids who visited the Studio to invent with LittleBits.

On the same table that displayed the Spinning Sign I placed the kit materials, and additional LittleBit accessories to create an invitation to invent.

My friend N came to visit the Studio and was really eager to get to learn more about LittleBits when he saw the Invitation to Invent With LittleBits Spinning Sign. He wanted to know how that was spinning. He decided to take on the BubbleBot project that was in the Guide.


I loved how N was building his confidence to invent with one Bit at a time. He made it clear to me that he had never done anything like this before. I am so glad he gave this activity a try! It was impressive to see him tinkering, and figuring how things work all on his own. The video is just an awesome way that he choose to share his new invention.

The Studio is a place where we strongly feel children can thrive at making, inventing, tinkering and doing all those creative things to do where they feel safe. Safe to take risks, and explore the unknown and know that their play time here at the Studio is  respected and honored among friends. We are happy to have such a space to share with our community. If you would like to visit the Studio please contact us and we would be happy to schedule a time. 

Happy Inventing!





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