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Crafternoon STEAM Sessions with The Geeky Nanny: 5 Maker Activities to Get this Party Started

I have really been busy behind the scenes getting our Studio ready for childcare licensing approval. It is such an exciting adventure as we prepare to expand our services. 

The Studio resides in my home that was previously licensed by the State of Michigan for 10 years. It is located in a separate area from living quarters and on a separate floor, with a designated entrance for clients only. In September of 2013 I had decided that I wanted to try working with children outside of my home and decided not to renew my license again. Through this journey I discovered that I loved nannying and started the agency. Our goals for applying for childcare licensing through the State of Michigan is to be able to offer school aged drop-in programs, and a preschool program in my home beyond the calendar days that one may operate such activity without a State of Michigan issued license. We also want our programs to be accredited by the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). We are on a mission to reimagine and revolutionize childcare!

In the meantime I have decided to reintroduce our Studio to the community by hosting weekly Crafternoon STEAM Sessions. 

What is a Crafternoon STEAM Session? Think of it as super fun art party that incorporates a lot of STEAM. My heart and motivation for creating this weekly event was to create a safe place for kids to do STEAM activities. Their imaginations are so important in so many ways, this will be the environment where they can come and be free to create.

While planning for Crafternoons, I put together a few projects that will be offered at our first session, and to also give you a feel of what type of activities your child may be participating in at the Studio.  Each activity is packaged with all of the materials needed to complete the project, and directions. We do guide the children and help them with any new skills that may be learning to complete the project. It is individual packaged, but more materials are available if there is more than one person who would like to do the same project at the same time. It helps me to stay organized, and to know what supplies are needed so we don't run out of materials. Each box includes a materials list, a Maker's Quote, and all of the supplies needed to complete the project. What I love most about this set up is that it fosters independence while in the studio.

Make a Morse Code Bracelet: Can you decode the bracelet pictured above? Ha! I had so much fun putting this project work together. Children will delight in making their secret code bracelets, also while learning about Morse Code.

Make a Paper Tube Sculpture: Using a glue gun, recycled materials, and their imagination the artists can create beautiful sculptures. All of the projects can go further, like the child may want also paint their sculpture.

We take special precautions when dealing with any maker tool, such as the glue gun the child will be assessed to see if they are able to independently use it first, and closely observed while using it.

Grow a Pom Pom Flower: The titles on the boxes are not meant to limit one's imagination but to simply ignite an idea. There are three different style Pom Pom Makers included in the kit that they can experiment with to decide what size pom pom they will like. Also they may be intrigued to create a Pom Pom Garland, the possibilities are endless!

Design a Paper Plate Maze: Older children may want to put their ideas on paper first, others may get right down to tinkering with tape and paper. 

Create Recycled Paper Beads: Another maker tool is introduced in this project. It is a bead winder that also attaches to a plastic bottle to catch the beads into. Necklaces, collages and all sorts of things can be made from recycled beads. They will also learn how to cut strips in a certain way to form different shape of beads.

We have several open ended activities to offer as well such sewing machines, Keva wooden planks, LEGOs, Robots, Roominate sets, experiments in the different sciences, and art supplies galore.The time spent at the Studio is time well spent. 

I have projects underway that I think tweens-teens would enjoy doing as well. You may want to subscribe to this blog to get the latest updates as we share our current events.

I am looking forward to spending time with old friends, and making new ones. Come join us!

-The Geeky Nanny


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