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Makey Makey :A MAKER's Tool for all Ages

What is Makey Makey? Makey Makey is a board that is connected to your computer that allows you to turn everyday objects into a keyboard. You can also learn to CODE with Makey Makey using the Scratch platform.

I saw Makey Makey in action on various websites, and knew it was something I really wanted to try out. I was visiting the local Barnes & Noble bookstore and saw it there. After saving for it I then went back and got it! I am very pleased and happy with this purchase. I believe it was $49.99. The joy of being able to see kids create with this will make this investment priceless. 

Before opening the package I perused the Makey Makey website and saw a Gallery of inspiration from other Makey Makers that had shared their inventions. After 20 minutes I was ready to give it a go. I had bananas on hand, because I already knew I wanted to try out the first project that the creators of Makey Makey used as an example to get you started. 


That's me playing the Banana Drum. I couldn't believe how easy this was to get going. Inspirations abounds! There are apps for various projects available on their website too. You don't need an app, remember your Makey Makey is your keyboard.

I was so tickled when I heard I had made my banana play piano keys.

I was taken back.... I was like what would I have been if they had this when I was kid?! 😏  I decided to make a Game Controller for my favorite childhood video game PacMan. Say "hi" to Inky, Blink, Pinky, and Sue! I made my board big enough that perhaps it can be used as a demonstration board for the kiddos as well. I had so much fun! How much time you have is all up to you. It took me about an hour to make my Game Controller Board.  

Here is a video demonstrating my new video game controller. I felt so accomplished, and creative when I successfully completed this. That is the same goal I have for the kiddos who visit the Studio, that they feel accomplished and creative by the work that they have done. 

I made a drawstring bag to keep this tech tool in. The Makey Makey comes with the board, the USB cable, alligator clips, and jumper wires. All I had to do was add some conductive materials for the kiddos to test out. In the ziplock bag is, a ball of playdoh, a ball of clay, paper, and aluminum foil. The Kiddos will want to go on a scavenger hunt in the Studio to discover what other materials may work well to make a keyboard with Makey Makey.

The possibilities are endless with this tech tool, and we are happy to have it in the Studio!

-The Geeky Nanny

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